Presentation at the Temple (Predella Panel of the Oddi Altarpiece)

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Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino) - Presentation at the Temple (Predella Panel of the Oddi Altarpiece)
Title:Presentation at the Temple (Predella Panel of the Oddi Altarpiece)
Created: 1503
Category: Bible
Trend in art: Renaissance
Keywords: Motherhood, Madonna, Virgin, Bible, New Testament, Virgin and child, Infant Christ, Mother, Christ, Mary, Christ child, Mother of God, Christianity, Jesus Christ, Wonder, Theotokos, Anna, Helpfulness, Patroness, Wonder worker, Meeting of the Lord, Candlemas, Purification of the Virgin, Presentation in the Temple, Anna the Prophetess, Prophetess Anna, Purification, Pala Oddi, Simeon and Anna