Portrait of Prince Alexander Fyodorovich Galitzine-Prozorovsky (1810-1898)

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Klünder Alexander Ivanovich - Portrait of Prince Alexander Fyodorovich Galitzine-Prozorovsky (1810-1898)
Title:Portrait of Prince Alexander Fyodorovich Galitzine-Prozorovsky (1810-1898)
Artist: Klünder, Alexander Ivanovich (1802-1875)
Created: 1840
School: Russia
Category: Portrait
Trend in art: Romanticism
Keywords: Imperial Guard, Leib Guard, Personal guards of the Emperor of Russia, Hussar, Hussar Regiment, Golitsyn, Hussars, Galitzine, Life Guard, Prozorovsky, Lifeguards, Alexander Galitzine-Prozorovsky, Galitzine-Prozorovsky, Life-Guards, Life-Guard, Life Guards