Officer of the Life-Guards Cossack squadron of His Imperial Majesty's Convoy

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Monten Dietrich Heinrich Maria - Officer of the Life-Guards Cossack squadron of His Imperial Majesty's Convoy
Title:Officer of the Life-Guards Cossack squadron of His Imperial Majesty's Convoy
Artist: Monten, Dietrich Heinrich Maria (1799-1843)
Created: 1843
School: Germany
Trend in art: History painting
Keywords: Man, Russia, Cavalry, Aristocracy, Male Portrait, Convoy, Russian Monarchy, Romanov, Tsar, Emperor, Russian History, Ruler, Monarch, Guard, Cossacks, Russian Army, Tsars, Guardsman, Monarchy, Regiment, Emperor Alexander II, Alexander II of Russia, Alexander II, Russian Imperial Guard, Imperial Guard, Leib Guard, Grenadier Guard, Grenadier Guards, Grenadier, Guardsmen, Alexander Nikolaevich, Kuban Cossacks, Life Guard, Alexander Nikolayevich, Terek Cossacks, Life Guard Cavalry Regiment, Life Guard Cavalry, Life-Guards Cossack Regiment, Life-Guards Cossacks, Life Guard Convoy, Kuban sotnia, Kuban sotnias, Grenadiers, Lifeguards, Life-Guards, Life-Guard, Life Guards