Search result (82 results)

Memling, Hans - Adam. Side Wing of the Small Triptych of St. John the Baptist


Adam. Side Wing of the Small Triptych of St. John the Baptist Memling, Hans (1433/40-1494)
Bellini, Giovanni - The Virgin and Child


The Virgin and Child Bellini, Giovanni (1430-1516)
Anonymous - The king of England receiving a herald from the king of France


The king of England receiving a herald from the king of France Anonymous
Ercole de' Roberti, (Ercole Ferrarese) - The Adoration of the Shepherds


The Adoration of the Shepherds Ercole de' Roberti, (Ercole Ferrarese) (c. 1450-1496)
Santi, Giovanni - The Muse Erato


The Muse Erato Santi, Giovanni (ca 1435-1494)
Mantegna, Andrea - Madonna and Child with a Choir of Cherubs (Madonna of the Cherubim)


Madonna and Child with a Choir of Cherubs (Madonna of the Cherubim) Mantegna, Andrea (1431-1506)
Foppa, Vincenzo - Pala Bottigella (The Bottigella Altarpiece)


Pala Bottigella (The Bottigella Altarpiece) Foppa, Vincenzo (active 1456-1516)
Bermejo, Bartolomé - Retable of the Virgin of Montserrat


Retable of the Virgin of Montserrat Bermejo, Bartolomé (ca 1440-ca 1498)
Botticelli, Sandro - Venus Pudica


Venus Pudica Botticelli, Sandro (1445-1510)
Bellini, Giovanni - Madonna with Child


Madonna with Child Bellini, Giovanni (1430-1516)
Bevilacqua, Giovanni Ambrogio - Saint Jerome and Saint Francis of Assisi


Saint Jerome and Saint Francis of Assisi Bevilacqua, Giovanni Ambrogio (ca 1460-after 1512)
Bevilacqua, Giovanni Ambrogio - Saint Bernardino of Siena and Saint John the Baptist


Saint Bernardino of Siena and Saint John the Baptist Bevilacqua, Giovanni Ambrogio (ca 1460-after 1512)
Master of the Sacristy of Kaufbeuren - Saint Elizabeth of Hungary and Saint Margaret


Saint Elizabeth of Hungary and Saint Margaret Master of the Sacristy of Kaufbeuren (active ca. 1480-1500)
Master of the Sacristy of Kaufbeuren - The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary


The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Master of the Sacristy of Kaufbeuren (active ca. 1480-1500)
Botticelli, Sandro, (Workshop) - Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John


Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John Botticelli, Sandro, (Workshop)
Signorelli, Luca - Nursing Madonna


Nursing Madonna Signorelli, Luca (ca 1441-1523)
Bosch, Hieronymus - The Last Judgment (Triptych, central panel)


The Last Judgment (Triptych, central panel) Bosch, Hieronymus (c. 1450-1516)
Bosch, Hieronymus - The Last Judgment (Triptych, left panel)


The Last Judgment (Triptych, left panel) Bosch, Hieronymus (c. 1450-1516)
Bosch, Hieronymus - The Last Judgment (Triptych, right panel)


The Last Judgment (Triptych, right panel) Bosch, Hieronymus (c. 1450-1516)
Master of the Oswald legend - The Martyrdom of Saint Oswald at the Battle of Maserfield


The Martyrdom of Saint Oswald at the Battle of Maserfield Master of the Oswald legend (active 1470-1485)
Piero di Cosimo - Portraits of Giuliano and Francesco Giamberti da Sangallo


Portraits of Giuliano and Francesco Giamberti da Sangallo Piero di Cosimo (ca 1462-ca 1521)
David, Gerard - The Adoration of the Shepherds


The Adoration of the Shepherds David, Gerard (ca. 1460-1523)
Sittow, Michael - The Virgin and Child


The Virgin and Child Sittow, Michael (1460/68-1525)
Leonardo da Vinci - The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian


The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Master of the legend of St. Ursula - Portrait of young man


Portrait of young man Master of the legend of St. Ursula (active ca 1485)