Search result (3 results)

Briullov, Karl Pavlovich - Woman in Turban. Portrait of Countess Maria Grigoryevna Razumovskaya (1772-1865), née Vyazemskaya


Woman in Turban. Portrait of Countess Maria Grigoryevna Razumovskaya (1772-1865), née Vyazemskaya Briullov, Karl Pavlovich (1799-1852)
Rugendas, Johann Moritz - The encounter between the Native Americans and Europeans. From Malerische Reise in Brasilien


The encounter between the Native Americans and Europeans. From Malerische Reise in Brasilien Rugendas, Johann Moritz (1802-1858)
Robinson, John Henry - Henriette Sontag in opera Don Giovanni by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Henriette Sontag in opera Don Giovanni by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Robinson, John Henry (1796-1871)