Emblem 6. Sow your gold in the white foliate Earth. From Atalanta fugiens by Michael Maier

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Merian Matthäus the Elder - Emblem 6. Sow your gold in the white foliate Earth. From
Title:Emblem 6. Sow your gold in the white foliate Earth. From Atalanta fugiens by Michael Maier
Artist: Merian, Matthäus, the Elder (1593-1650)
Created: 1618
School: Schwitzerland
Trend in art: Baroque
Keywords: Medicine, History of Medicine, Occultism, Manuscript, Manuscript illumination, Illuminated manuscript, Medieval Illuminated Letter, Illuminated art, Astrology, Alchemy, Alchemist, Opus Magnum, Magnum opus, History of science, Science in the Middle Ages, Kabbalism, Miniature, Atalanta fugiens, Michael Maier