Search result (65 results)

Cignaroli, Giambettino - Saint Joseph of Cupertino in Ecstasy


Saint Joseph of Cupertino in Ecstasy Cignaroli, Giambettino (1706-1770)
Veronese (de' Pitati), Bonifacio - Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Catherine


Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Catherine Veronese (de' Pitati), Bonifacio (1487-1553)
Cignaroli, Giambettino - Portrait of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) at the Age of 13 in Verona


Portrait of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) at the Age of 13 in Verona Cignaroli, Giambettino (1706-1770)
Rotari, Pietro Antonio - Sleeping young woman


Sleeping young woman Rotari, Pietro Antonio (1707-1762)
Brusasorzi, Domenico - Portrait of Giulio Savorgnan (1510-1595) with Pickaxe


Portrait of Giulio Savorgnan (1510-1595) with Pickaxe Brusasorzi, Domenico (1516-1567)
Caroto, Giovan Francesco - The Adoration of the Magi (Altar of the San Bernardino in Verona)


The Adoration of the Magi (Altar of the San Bernardino in Verona) Caroto, Giovan Francesco (c. 1480-1555)
Bassetti, Marcantonio - Paradise


Paradise Bassetti, Marcantonio (1586-1630)
Balestra, Antonio - David with the Head of Goliath


David with the Head of Goliath Balestra, Antonio (1666-1740)
Bonsignori, Francesco - Portrait of Gian Francesco Gonzaga (1446-1496)


Portrait of Gian Francesco Gonzaga (1446-1496) Bonsignori, Francesco (c. 1460-1519)
Marco del Moro - Diana and Endymion


Diana and Endymion Marco del Moro (c. 1536-1586)
Turchi, Alessandro - Lamentation over the Dead Christ with Mary Magdalene and angels


Lamentation over the Dead Christ with Mary Magdalene and angels Turchi, Alessandro (1578-1649)
Caroto, Giovan Francesco - Portrait of a young man


Portrait of a young man Caroto, Giovan Francesco (c. 1480-1555)
Bonsignori, Francesco - Portrait of Francesco Petrarca (1304-1379)


Portrait of Francesco Petrarca (1304-1379) Bonsignori, Francesco (c. 1460-1519)
Balestra, Antonio - Vulcan hands Thetis the shield for Achilles


Vulcan hands Thetis the shield for Achilles Balestra, Antonio (1666-1740)
Creara (Creara de Fochegioli), Sante - The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Infant Saint John the Baptist


The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Infant Saint John the Baptist Creara (Creara de Fochegioli), Sante (1571-1630)