Search result (2967 results)

Serebriakova, Zinaida Yevgenievna - Siam. Design to decorate the Kazan Railway Station in Moscow


Siam. Design to decorate the Kazan Railway Station in Moscow Serebriakova, Zinaida Yevgenievna (1884-1967)
Serebriakova, Zinaida Yevgenievna - Portrait of the Ballet dancer and Choreographer Georgy Balanchin (1904-1983) as Bacchus (Ballet The seasons von A.Glasunov)


Portrait of the Ballet dancer and Choreographer Georgy Balanchin (1904-1983) as Bacchus (Ballet The seasons von A.Glasunov) Serebriakova, Zinaida Yevgenievna (1884-1967)
Brasen, Hans Ole - Sunset in a lagoon


Sunset in a lagoon Brasen, Hans Ole (1849-1930)
Riviere, Briron - Dog chasing a Rat


Dog chasing a Rat Riviere, Briron (1840-1920)
Gusov, Karl (Carl) - A woman in Red


A woman in Red Gusov, Karl (Carl) (1843-1907)
Israëls, Jozef - At the seashore


At the seashore Israëls, Jozef (1824-1911)
Hagen, Paul - The Embroideress


The Embroideress Hagen, Paul
Hansch, Johannes - Children at a creek


Children at a creek Hansch, Johannes (1875-1946)
Hansch, Johannes - Still life with a book


Still life with a book Hansch, Johannes (1875-1946)
Serebriakova, Zinaida Yevgenievna - Katya in Blue at the Christmas tree


Katya in Blue at the Christmas tree Serebriakova, Zinaida Yevgenievna (1884-1967)
Zhukovsky, Stanislav Yulianovich - An autumn way


An autumn way Zhukovsky, Stanislav Yulianovich (1873-1944)
Serebriakova, Zinaida Yevgenievna - Self-portrait with a scarf


Self-portrait with a scarf Serebriakova, Zinaida Yevgenievna (1884-1967)
Serebriakova, Zinaida Yevgenievna - Katya in the kitchen


Katya in the kitchen Serebriakova, Zinaida Yevgenievna (1884-1967)
Meunier, Constantin Emile - A worker's head


A worker's head Meunier, Constantin Emile (1831-1905)
Lenbach, Franz, von - Portrait of the artist Wilhelm Busch (1832-1908)


Portrait of the artist Wilhelm Busch (1832-1908) Lenbach, Franz, von (1836-1904)
Menzel, Adolph Friedrich, von - Concert in Sanssouci (Study)


Concert in Sanssouci (Study) Menzel, Adolph Friedrich, von (1815-1905)
Serebriakova, Zinaida Yevgenievna - Self-portrait


Self-portrait Serebriakova, Zinaida Yevgenievna (1884-1967)
Serebriakova, Zinaida Yevgenievna - Self-portrait


Self-portrait Serebriakova, Zinaida Yevgenievna (1884-1967)
Zhukovsky, Stanislav Yulianovich - A dam


A dam Zhukovsky, Stanislav Yulianovich (1873-1944)
Zhukovsky, Stanislav Yulianovich - The Drawing room in the Manor house Rozhdestveno


The Drawing room in the Manor house Rozhdestveno Zhukovsky, Stanislav Yulianovich (1873-1944)
Zhukovsky, Stanislav Yulianovich - March


March Zhukovsky, Stanislav Yulianovich (1873-1944)
Crespin, Louis Charles - Requiem Mass


Requiem Mass Crespin, Louis Charles (1892-1953)
Trübner, Heinrich Wilhelm - At a pond


At a pond Trübner, Heinrich Wilhelm (1851-1917)
Thoma, Hans - The convict's farewell


The convict's farewell Thoma, Hans (1839-1924)
Lund, Carl Emil - Sunset


Sunset Lund, Carl Emil (1855-1928)