Search result (668 results)

Braekeleer, Ferdinand de, the Elder - House concert


House concert Braekeleer, Ferdinand de, the Elder (1792-1883)
Hove, Hubertus, van - The Embroideress


The Embroideress Hove, Hubertus, van (1814-1865)
Meunier, Constantin Emile - A maidservant's breakfast


A maidservant's breakfast Meunier, Constantin Emile (1831-1905)
Riviere, Briron - Dog chasing a Rat


Dog chasing a Rat Riviere, Briron (1840-1920)
Sassenbrouck, Achille, van - Winter


Winter Sassenbrouck, Achille, van (1886-?...)
Crommelynck, Robert - Ardennian women


Ardennian women Crommelynck, Robert (1895-1968)
Hebbelinck, Roger - Green apples


Green apples Hebbelinck, Roger (1912-?)
Massonet, Armand - Lady in Green


Lady in Green Massonet, Armand (1892-1979)
Lebon, Charles - Evening in Flanders


Evening in Flanders Lebon, Charles (1906-1957)
Mous, Jos - Evening in a harbour


Evening in a harbour Mous, Jos (1885-?...)
Hallet, Andrè - Fishermen harbour in Ostend


Fishermen harbour in Ostend Hallet, Andrè (1890-1959)
Thevenet, Pierre - The Rock at Bayard


The Rock at Bayard Thevenet, Pierre (1870-1937)
Wallet, Taf - Fishing harbour in Ostend


Fishing harbour in Ostend Wallet, Taf (1902-2001)
Meunier, Constantin Emile - A worker's head


A worker's head Meunier, Constantin Emile (1831-1905)
Masereel, Frans - Hotel


Hotel Masereel, Frans (1889-1972)
Gallait, Louis Joseph - The last respects to the remains of the Counts Egmont and Hoorn


The last respects to the remains of the Counts Egmont and Hoorn Gallait, Louis Joseph (1810-1877)
Crespin, Louis Charles - Requiem Mass


Requiem Mass Crespin, Louis Charles (1892-1953)
Perin, Yvonne - Channel in Brussels


Channel in Brussels Perin, Yvonne (1905-1967)
Laudy, Jacques - The Wounded Knight


The Wounded Knight Laudy, Jacques (1907-1940)
Bastien, Alfred - Female portrait


Female portrait Bastien, Alfred (1873-1955)
Canneel, Jules-Marie - Rue Montagne de la Cour


Rue Montagne de la Cour Canneel, Jules-Marie (1881-1953)
Plumot, André - Sir Anthonis van Dyck painting a portrait


Sir Anthonis van Dyck painting a portrait Plumot, André (1829-1906)
Eckhout, Jacob Joseph - Rendezvous


Rendezvous Eckhout, Jacob Joseph (1793-1861)
Carpentero, Henri Joseph Gommarus - Man with a Wine Glass


Man with a Wine Glass Carpentero, Henri Joseph Gommarus (1820-1874)
Keyser, Nicaise de - Portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia (1822-1892), Queen of Württemberg


Portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia (1822-1892), Queen of Württemberg Keyser, Nicaise de (1813-1887)